Nazdar Jablonec
Anna Strnadová
Jablečné lázně used to be a space in Jablonec and Nisou, but in early 2020, the organizers of the ArtproProstor association received a court order to shut down due to the poor condition of the building. It was closed down and boarded up out of safety concerns. Since 2015, the group has revitalized the space of the former Jablonec spa, which had been closed and decrepit since the 1990s. They organized art projects, such as theater productions, concerts and designer markets, often attracting the interest of art students and art graduates. With the support of the Nazdar! society, the basement space of the local Sokolovna carries on in the same spirit, largely focusing on original theater and contemporary art. The ArtproProstor association was founded by Anna Strnadová together with friends from the Taneční studio Magdalena, which also helped develop a wider community of supporters. The Nazdar! cultural space was founded by Strnadová in cooperation with Bára Purmová.