
Spolek Rašelina

We’re a Kind of Platform

This is a community of friends from various fields who have a desire to meet and develop non-traditional events in the region and who largely draw on history and the particular needs of the local public.

Úterský spolek Bart


The Bart association has its headquarters in the historical town of Úterý, which is nestled in the picturesque valley of Úterý brook

Plovárna a kostel Manětín

Plovárna and Manětín Church

The association Baroko v Čechách is an open association whose aim in the past was to culturally revive the architecture and dispositions of the unique St. Anne’s chapel in Nečtiny.

Moving Station Plzeň

Moving Station Plzeň and Všekary Church

The aim of the JOHAN organization is to support independent artistic works, mostly in theater, dance, multimedia and the performing arts, at both amateur and professional levels. Their projects aim to increase the public’s interest in the world and the spaces we live in.

Otisk Bolfánek a Americká zahrada

Lesní komplex Žďár

The Bolfánek lookout tower stands on Žďár hill, about 1½ km from the Chudenice township in the county of Klatovy. The tower provides a beautiful view over the wider surroundings, such as the Gabreta hills, the Böhmenwald, and the city of Pilsen.

