
Místa zblízka – Places Close-up

Interview with Tatiana Konrádová

Dagmar Šubrtová

Summary: The innovative project Místa zblízka of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is financed by the European Social Funds, the Employment operational programme and the state budget of the Czech Republic.

Its aim is to create new opportunities and build sustainable and self-sufficient communities. The project is active in the Aš, Sokolov, Louny and Podbořany regions. In these peripheral areas of the Czech Republic with high unemployment, dependence on large centres and an outflow of the young population to cities, the project aims to change and shape “learning” localities. Over the course of the project, local participants learn to use the internal resources of the place where they live and work, to actively create new opportunities and to further develop and educate themselves in order to increase local employment.

Dagmar Šubrtová interviewed the project's expert guarantor Tatiana Konrádová.