Jan Tomšů
The Zvěřinec association was founded in 2018 by four people active in various cultural and artistic activities in Prague and Olomouc. The founding of the association was prompted by a dissatisfaction with the state of independent culture in the city of Zlín and the entire Zlín region. Over the years, many other members who mostly live in and around Zlín have joined the association. Their goal is, as they say, “To open the region to artistic projects from outside and support the cultural substrate at home.” One of the long-term goals is a cultural community space for contemporary art. The association’s main activities are to organize cultural and social events of various themes. For example, there is a maker’s symposium which includes a go-cart race, an artistic symposium focused on land or site-specific art, and multi-genre music events and festivals. Over the last three years, their activities have grown to about six regular events, and one year-long series of concerts and theater performances. Most of the events are not firmly fixed to a particular place and rather take place in the villages and the landscape surrounding Zlín. Apart from organizational activities, the association also provides technical and production support for other groups and individuals.
A major aspect of the activities is their focus on not only local visitors, but also local makers and artists. Apart from members of the Czech alternative club scene, the event also features local folklore groups and, alongside well-known Czech artists, they present the work of people who are mostly known only locally. Despite the fact that the program does not always cater to a broad audience, it always remains inclusive and makes a point of engaging with various demographics. The red thread which winds its way through the association’s activities is a healthy dose of humor and friendly irony.